2025 © Copyright Thermotek Windows Pty Ltd
Thermotek Windows Sustainability Philosophy
The Thermotek Life Cycle Circle
Once upon a time, Thermotek was born... Everything starts with our mindset and eco-ethics.
This includes our authenticity, innovation and accountability:
● Thermotek assumes responsibility for our actions. Together with our customers and partners, we strive for a sustainable future. Protection of our natural environment is our priority.
● We focus on constant learning and improving in this area.
From little things, big things grow… From the above foundation, we created our unique, ethical uPVC window and door systems. We continue to develop, grow and evolve our business practices and products.
Thermotek’s manufacturing reflects this. Our ecological production process and a sustainable workplace design are crucial. We manufacture our eco-products under strict European legislation.
There’s more. Our low impact products and business practices are only the beginning. We continue to make a difference after installation is complete.
We have introduced our Thermotree of Life Program. We plant trees with every order. Thermotek launched this program by planting 600 trees. And we will continue helping combat climate change caused by
greenhouse gas.
Thermotek is a Low Waste Manufacturer
We can manufacture and recycle window systems in an ecological, managed way.
- All our products are 100% recyclable.
- Lead-free
- Calcium-organic chemical compound
- Low Impact
Thermotree Program
We plant trees with every order. Thermotek launched this
program by planting 600 trees. And we will continue helping combat climate change caused by greenhouse gas.
The Power of Trees
Trees and plants are vital for life on our planet. As well as enhancing air quality, trees improve the soil, water and ecological condition of an area.
About the Thermotrees
Each year after the first rain of winter the program plants mixed native species including eucalyptus, acacia, banksia and melaleuca. In 2020, Carbon Neutral has planted over 60 different species of trees and shrubs indigenous to the region.
Making a Difference
Trees remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and convert it back into oxygen and water through a process called photosynthesis.
Over a life-time, an Eucalypt tree can remove nearly a tonne of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere whilst on average large shrub species can remove close to 500 kg of carbon dioxide.
More than 90% of the area where trees are planted has been cleared for agriculture. As well as enhancing air quality, trees improve the soil, water and ecological condition of an area. The establishment of native plant species improves ecosystems and creates habitats for birds, insects and animals.
The program has a positive impact on climate change and directly contributes to the United Nations Global Goals for Sustainable Development.